Winter Blues

Winter Blues

There’s always a time during the winter, when the holidays fade and I find myself left in the cold. I often feel depressed, I lose all sense of my creativity, and sometimes I won’t leave my house for a week.

These winter blues almost always seem inevitable. It’s almost impossible to escape the long hours of the workday. And when night comes, I cling to my loneliness as I wait for the sunrise to give me another chance to find the happiness in everything I already have.


Without dreams, my winter blues would be incurable. Yes, dreams. Daydreams, night-time dreams, hopes, wishes and fantasies of what I could and will someday be doing.


I’ve accomplished so much within such a short time, and during this cold weather, when the temperature drops, and the snow falls in silence all I can do is think. Think of when I can live my dreams and with whom.

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